Student Loan Repayment & Forgiveness Course Includes:

  • Student Loan Repayment & Forgiveness Overview

    Comprehensive financial planning should include Student Loan Repayment and Forgiveness for your clients.

  • Student Loan Inventory & Repayment

    Types & timing of student loans Identifying federal loan repayment Review fixed, variable & IDR Methods Learn how to analyze client's repayment options analyze loan consolidation, refinancing options for borrower, risks of negative amortization & interest capitalization within IDR

  • Student Loan Forgiveness

    Student Loan Repayment & Forgiveness, Federal Loan Repayment Advantages and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) , UnderstandTax filing strategies for married couple with IDR

Course curriculum

    1. Student Loan Repayment and Forgiveness Overview

    1. Course Outline: Student Loan Overview, Loan Inventory and Repayment Options

    2. Slides: Student Loan Inventory and Repayment Methods

    3. Program 5: Student Loan Inventory and Repayment

    4. Key Terms: Student Loans and Repayment Methods

    5. Test your learning

    1. Course Outline: Student Loan Forgiveness

    2. Slides: Public Service Loan Forgiveness

    3. Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Other Forgiveness and Consolidations

    4. Key Terms: PSLF and Private Consolidations

    5. Test 6: Student Loan Forgiveness and Consolidation

    1. CFSLA Cumulative Exam

About this course

  • $795.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Program Cost