Student Loan Forgiveness Advice Can Save Your Client's Thousands of Dollars
Attract Young Professionals by Becoming an Expert in the Various Student Loan Forgiveness Strategies
We Make It Easy to Implement
As CFP CE Quality Partner, we offer premium training, software solutions and an outsourcing options to help your get started quickly!
Comprehensive Loan Forgiveness Training
6 CFP Approved CEsLearn the strategies to help professionals save thousands of dollars in loan repayment. Our course gives your the strategies and knowledge to navigate this complex process.
Refine Your Niche Target Markets
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) is limited to specific types of employers and professions. With our training, you become an expert in loan forgiveness which is in high demand for medical professionals, teachers, and government employees.
Course curriculum
Introduction Message from Instructor
Creating an FSA ID
Downloading Your Loan Data
Federal Loan Consolidation
Completing the PSLF Employment Form
Case Study =Student Loan Repayment and Forgiveness
Chapter 1 Overview and Key Terms (Student Loan Repayment and Data Source Review)
Slides F1 - Student Loan Repayment and Data Sources Reveiw
Video - Student Loan Repayment Trends and Business Model
Quiz F1 - Student Loan Repayment and Data Source Review
Chapter 2 - Overview and Key Terms (PSLF)
Student Loan Repayment Rule Grid
Slides F2 - PSLF
Video - Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
Quiz - F2 PSLF
Chapter 3 - Overview and Key Terms (PSLF Limited Waiver, TEPSLF, & Case Study)
Slides F3 - PSLF Limited Waiver, TEPSLF & Case Study
Video - Limited Waiver, TEPSLF
Quiz - F3 PSLF Limited Waiver, TEPSLF & Case Study
Chapter 4 - Overview and Key Terms (Other Loan Forgiveness and Tax Impact)
Slides F4 - Other Loan Forgiveness and and Tax Impact
Video - Other Loan Forgiveness Programs
Quiz F4 - Other Loan Forgiveness and Tax Impact
Chapter 5 - Overview and Key Terms - (Lump Sum Foregiveness and Student Loan Assistance)
Slides F5 - Lump Sum Forgiveness and Student Loan Assistance
Video - Lump Sum Forgiveness and Student Loan Assistance
Quiz F5 - Lum Sum Forgiveness and Student Loan Assistance
About this course
- 27 lessons
- 4.5 hours of video content